Before starting please familiarize yourself with the following.
Tokio project provides an excellent tutorial that you can find here. If you are new to Tokio, we urge to complete the tutorial.
FoundationDB comes with extensive documentation. If you are new to FoundationDB please read through the following sections of FoundationDB documentation.
You can ignore the directories section. We do not support directory layer in our API. Instead we support FoundationDB 7.1 Tenants that natively provides similar feature.
When you read the section on transaction retry loop take note of the presence of two distinct types - A database type and a transaction type. Other language bindings allows values of these two types to be used interchangeably in their API. In our bindings, we keep distinction between a value of database type and value of transaction type separate. You will see this come up in the class scheduling tutorial.
Python Class Scheduling Tutorial
Even though you might not use Python in production, this tutorial will help you become familiar with the API. You can find our version of class scheduling tutorial here.